Our Story: Roots in the Future
People used to know where their food and drink came from – it was local and natural. Then populations grew and spread out, and things changed.
Supply chains became longer and more complex; the end product got further and further from where it started, in every sense. Soon the race was on to package and mass-produce products that would keep the world hooked. But once again, people want to know the origin of their food and drink. That’s why we believe the future of our industry is to reconnect with its past.
At Finlays, we have never lost touch with our own past. The lessons of two centuries feel more relevant today than ever.
We are drawing on these long-held values to create a better future for beverages. That means harnessing new technologies in a responsible way – ensuring future innovations drive our industry to new heights, delivering healthy products to the world. It means continuing the tradition of fair dealing that has helped us build life-long relationships and thriving communities. It means using over a century of experience to make our crops sustainable and our supply chains transparent. Most of all, it means empowering our customers, large and small, to develop the natural, traceable and trusted products their consumers are asking for.
With deep roots across the globe, no-one is better placed than Finlays to unleash the global potential of tea and other natural products to create tomorrow’s beverages.