Candidate Selection
Once you’ve sourced a fantastic talent pool, Careers in Africa’s recruitment professionals can help you create the right shortlist.
Following digital pre-selection, our experienced recruitment consultants can step in to provide a thorough, insightful selection service for your applications, shortlisting the best with impeccable documentation to support your process.
Services for Employers
Shortlist Creation
Working to your agreed criteria and our robust methodologies, Careers in Africa Selection Services will narrow your field of candidates from a broad pool of relevant talent to a defined list of ideal potentials, presenting the finalised shortlist with clear, insightful documentation on a cost per shortlist basis. Key benefits include:
- Save time in-house by trusting our team with the shortlisting process.
- Ensure your shortlisting is completed by experienced, African recruitment experts.
- Receive clear, insightful commentary on the most suitable candidates you have sourced.
- Move your recruitment process along quickly with our reliable methodologies and timelines.
Connect an end to end recruitment process
The Careers in Africa solution offers great employers the chance to connect with African talent through a variety of services, which can be combined into an end to end insight, engagement and recruitment process. Having sourced relevant talent, Careers in Africa’s Shortlist Creation service can be utilised to refine your talent pool to a final shortlist on a role by role basis. You can engage this service at any time, from project conception, to the briefing-in of individual roles, to the completion of a sourcing phase when the shortlisting process has become extremely urgent.