Summit Participation Packages

New for 2016: Guaranteed Hires Included in Your Participation Fee

Global Career Company is committed to ensuring our clients receive a Recruitment Summit experience that is tailored to their internal processes and their strategic objectives. To achieve this we have created a number of flexible participation packages. Simply consult the table below to find the best fit for your recruitment objectives. Summit Option 1 represents our best-value approach, maximising recruitment opportunities and including our largest number of guaranteed hires at a fixed fee.

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Guaranteed Hires

Our Summit Options 1 & 2 include a number of guaranteed recruits, enabling you too secure concrete ROI at the point of decision. Unlike other recruitment events, Careers in Africa Recruitment Summits are supported by a full recruitment process, the same one we use for Executive Search, which is why we can confidently offer guaranteed recruits to all participating companies. When you agree your participation package, a specific number of guaranteed recruits will be included. If you would like more recruits, you can pay a small fee per hire beyond your inclusive guaranteed number.

Participation Upgrades

A range of upgrades are available to further customise your Summit participation. Both Summit Packages 1 & 2 offer the option to upgrade the number of job descriptions, pre-selections, exhibition stand and employer branding options. Limited upgrades are available for employer branding options in Summit Package 3.


Our candidate follow-up surveys consistently prove the effectiveness of our company sponsorship options before, during and after every Summit, with improved recognition and more positive feedback versus competitors received by almost every sponsor. A range of tailored sponsorship packages is available, offering you the opportunity to focus on what matters most, and works best, for your employer brand. For details on our range of sponsorship options, please get in touch.

Join Us for the World of African Talent

Global Career Company Summits around the world offer you the opportunity to tap into our Global Talent Pool in multiple locations, securing economies of scale by agreeing additional Summit attendance. Each location offers the chance to network, interview and recruit the best of the African Global Talent Pool in that territory, while providing candidates with different educational and professional perspectives to diversify and enhance your talent pipeline. With a range of complementary destinations available, our most successful clients line up a series of Summits throughout the year, saving budget and gaining strategic wins as a result. To join them please get in touch.