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Client Profile

In Nigeria, the name, UniCem stands for advanced technology, quality product and the leading supplier of cement in the South-South and South-East regions.  Our core activities are the manufacture and sale of Ordinary Portland Cement.

We are a young,  private limited liability company owned by Nigerian Cement Holding B.V. (NCH) and Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc.  NCH is majority owned by global shareholders, who are also  the leaders in the field of cement manufacture, viz.  Lafarge S.A and Holcim Ltd.    In May 2009, we inaugurated our 2,5 million ton per annum  fully integrated Greenfield clinker and cement plant at Mfamosing.

The Mfamosing plant has a capacity of 2.5 million tons of cement annually, and a kiln output of 6,250 tons/day.  Raw materials are mined on site, thereby streamlining the manufacturing process.   UniCem cement is characterized by its high tensile strength and rapid setting properties and complies with the NIS 444-1: 2003 standard,  equivalent to the European BS EN 197-1:2000 standard.  Product is sold in 50 kg bags and in bulk quantities.

Sustainability is important to us:

  • Safety is our number priority and is driven through visible leadership from top management.
  • As part of an industry which makes extensive use of raw materials and  has a high energy consumption, our focus is to minimize any impact we have on the environment through compliance with the applicable Nigerian environmental laws, standards and regulations as well as those of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Guideline.
  • Beyond our physical environment, UniCem takes its commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) seriously, and for us, CSR extends beyond our community development work, and also covers our employees.   In the current UniCem community development strategy, the strategic focus is on engagement and capacity building programs, and both now, and in the future will be built on three pillars:    Education, Economic Empowerment and Health.

Our employees are important to us, but we also expect a lot from our employees.  At the same time we can offer attractive and challenging jobs with development potential.  To encourage employees and to expect world class performance from them is the fundamental philosophy that moves UniCem forward.

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